The @npub1yxq...3a6x Creator Contest (vol. 1) is now open! Artists can submit proposals as to what they would create for 225k+ sats for the public domain. The people decide whose idea gets funded (and get to enjoy the fruits of their labor once it's finished). Zapvertisers get zapped. That's the www - not the World Wide Web, but Win-Win-Win!
More info about the contest & rules:
Or submit your proposal now:
This contest is sponsored by the good folks at SEEDOR.IO - metal plates for Bitcoin recovery seed phrase backup. Made in Germany, shipped worldwide. Give Chris a follow, for he is a gentleman and a scholar: @npub1r83...wym8
remember when you would see a zap notification and you could tell (with a high probability) who it was, because many people had a kind of established zap amount.
I’m currently working through an email backlog and a Twitter/X DM backlog. Like, whatever it is, I love what you’re working on but I’m too busy.
Blockstream intern: “if I zap her 250 sats or 21 cents, she broadcasts about us. She finds it funny and also relevant for Nostr.”
Blockstream exec: “1) What”
Blockstream intern: “Literally, Lyn is meming about this exchange right now. She said good stuff about the Jade Plus. I tried to send her one on Twitter and she ignored it, and yet I just had to zap about it, look, she keeps posting about it.”