The @Open Source Culture Creator Contest (vol. 1) is now open! Artists can submit proposals as to what they would create for 225k+ sats for the public domain. The people decide whose idea gets funded (and get to enjoy the fruits of their labor once it's finished). Zapvertisers get zapped. That's the www - not the World Wide Web, but Win-Win-Win!
More info about the contest & rules:
Or submit your proposal now:
This contest is sponsored by the good folks at SEEDOR.IO - metal plates for Bitcoin recovery seed phrase backup. Made in Germany, shipped worldwide. Give Chris a follow, for he is a gentleman and a scholar: @Chris @ seedor_io
remember when you would see a zap notification and you could tell (with a high probability) who it was, because many people had a kind of established zap amount.
I’m currently working through an email backlog and a Twitter/X DM backlog. Like, whatever it is, I love what you’re working on but I’m too busy.
Blockstream intern: “if I zap her 250 sats or 21 cents, she broadcasts about us. She finds it funny and also relevant for Nostr.”
Blockstream exec: “1) What”
Blockstream intern: “Literally, Lyn is meming about this exchange right now. She said good stuff about the Jade Plus. I tried to send her one on Twitter and she ignored it, and yet I just had to zap about it, look, she keeps posting about it.”
Tu impuestos para sanidad, carreteras y educación ahh y si compras alguna cripto para lo que quieras, informado hacienda al momento y si la quieres retirar a tu wallet travel route a explicar a quien se la mandas.
Susan is a prominent investor in the cryptocurrency space, known for her insightful strategies and deep understanding of the rapidly evolving digital asset market. With a strong focus on Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies, she navigates the complexities of blockchain technology, market cycles, and regulatory landscapes to make informed trading decisions. Susan approach combines technical analysis with a keen eye on macroeconomic trends, allowing her to identify long-term opportunities while managing risk in the volatile crypto market. Her trading style emphasizes patience and adaptability, helping her capitalize on both bullish trends and market corrections. Investors following her moves are often drawn to her disciplined yet forward-thinking approach to crypto trading... Inbox 👍
Susan on WhatsApp: +13184079133
For more guide 🙏💯
Es que Nostr no es una red tan extendida, nos guste o no es la realidad. Además, es una red de nicho.
Cambiará, o eso espero, pero a día de hoy no es una red interesante para muchos que quieren no sólo llegar a más, sino dar un mensaje a los que no piensan como ellos.