I have a thesis I want to run by my fellow #christians. Maybe I'm just rediscovering postmillennialism, or historic premillennialism, or something, but some of this seems original.
There are two halves of Biblical/world history: Creation and New Creation. Creation's head is Adam, whose commission is dominion. New Creation's head is Jesus, whose commission to evangelism. Dominion involves subduing physical reality to human ingenuity; i.e. technology. New creation involves subduing humanity to divine love.
We are told that this world is going to wear out like a garment, and be rolled up like a scroll, prompting apocalypticism throughout history. Yet Jesus says that the Kingdom is with you, and that it is the latter days. This is conventionally explained by the "already not yet", that New Creation is latent within our earthly lives.
But what if that is true beyond just the devotional? Jesus says the kingdom of heaven is like leaven, and we take that to mean that our souls are being saved. But what if the world itself is being saved? What if every rock, tree, ocean, cloud is being invisibly, slowly suffused by the Good News of Christ's immanent lordship over the earth? What if New Creation is slowly covering Old Creation like moss covering a rock, and when the rock crumbles away the moss will retain its shape? What if the new creation is already here, and is no less physical for it's being spiritual, and when "we see him face to face" and are changed, the rest of the world — including nature and the physical stuff we've built — are suddenly changed as well?
This fits with the idea of the "garden city" — in the Bible, cities come first, and then God irrupts into their center (for example Solomon's and Ezekiel's Temples), changing their entire nature, purpose, and organization.
This seems to me to reconcile God's apparent intention to discard this world in favor of a "new" one with his obvious love of what he has made. Thoughts? Hallucinations?
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